Growing Research on Turmeric and the Cancer Fight
Many of us have been moved by Carnegie Mellon University professor Rand Pausch’s, “Last Lecture” at the university in Septembr 2007. He died in July 2008 of pancreatic cancer at the young age of 47.
“A potentially potent treatment for the most lethal of cancers, pancreatic, may be right under the noses of people eating Indian curry” according to The Atlanta Journal Constitution.
We already know the great health benefits of the “golden spice turmeric”, commonly used in Indian curries. Now, there is an additional evidence provided by University of Alabama researchers suggesting that the compound curcumin found in the spice turmeric may inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer. Dr. Mei Wan, a pathologist at that university explained his research results last week in Alabama. His study was supported by the American Cancer Society. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most serious forms of cancer killing 99 percent of the patients who have it. Most of the patients die within a year of diagnosis. For details see the article, “Curry component may aid cancer fight“, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (, August 2, 2008
As I have noted in my previous blog titled “the wonder spice turmeric“, this spice is readily available in regular grocery stores in the form of a powder. It can be easily used in everyday cooking.
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